King Candidate: Renzell Roque

Renzell Roque

Renzell Roque

Tara Ramanathan, Staff Writer

Q: What qualities do you have that would make you a great homecoming king?

A: I love to dance, and I’d be fun to dance with at Homecoming. I’m also a good listener, and I like to have fun. I give great hugs, and I’m a caring person.
Q: What has been your biggest accomplishment during high school?

A: Staying humble. Oh, and my dance group, The Future Kingz opened up for Kendrick Lamar.
Q: Who has been your biggest inspiration and why?

A: My little brother Rufio, who’s 4 years old. No matter how stressful high school is, he makes me happy without trying. I’ve seen him grow throughout high school.

Q: What is favorite activity or sport and why?

A: Dance club and variety show; I get to do what I love at school. Dance is my passion.

Q: What is your favorite school subject and why?

A: Chemistry; I like Mrs. LeVanti. She is (always) in a great mood, so she puts me in a good mood. Plus, I do well in chemistry.

Q: What do you think is the best part of a circus?

A: Roasted peanuts.

Q: What are you most looking forward to during homecoming week?

A: Seeing everyone at school participate in the different activities.