Homecoming Queen Candidate: Arden Panek
October 5, 2016
Q:What qualities do you have that would make you a great homecoming king / queen?
A: I’m very involved in the school and put work into helping it become even better than it already is.
Q:What has been your biggest accomplishment during high school?
A: My biggest accomplishment in high school would probably be becoming the President of Student Council. I’ve worked really hard to be involved in student council and I’m glad that my hard work paid off.
Q:Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
A: My family because they have been so supportive of me and encouraged me to do what I set my heart on achieving.
Q:What is your favorite activity or sport and why?
A: I enjoy all of the activities I’m in, but Student Council would probably be my favorite because of how close I feel to everyone in it.
Q:What is your favorite school subject and why?
A: I really enjoy my history classes. I love learning about different people and how things have gotten to the point they are at now.
Q:What do you think is the best part of The Wizard of Oz?
A: The best part of The Wizard of Oz is when Dorothy figures out the power and strength was inside of her all along.
Q:What are you most looking forward to during homecoming week?
A: I’ve always enjoyed watching the Homecoming Coronation and how fun it is, and I can’t wait to get to be a part of that this year.