Driving simulator offers real-life opportunity

Operation Click is a club that offers unique opportunities for students to learn while doing.

Rabiya Salman, Staff Writer

Operation Click recently held a driving simulator event at the basketball game, which was a blast for students as they had a chance to virtually “drive a car.”

A steering wheel was used to navigate through the streets that appeared on the television screen, almost as if they were playing a game on their X-Box console.The challenge, however, was to do this while wearing goggles that blurred one’s vision.

Operation Click, a club at HEHS, is an unique leadership opportunity sponsored by AAA that allows students to coordinate with police officers along with peers to promote safe driving.

“It’s a amazing club that provides hands-on learning when it comes to safe driving while still providing leadership opportunities,” said Alex Cazarez, co-chair of the Awareness committee.

The goal of the club is to get as many students as possible to promise to drive safely. Kids can make this promise by signing a contract. As a way to encourage people, AAA will have a raffle at the end of this school year. A random contract will be picked out and that lucky winner will win a free car. Anyone who wishes to sign this contract can contact Tanya Katovich, Operation Click sponsor and science teacher.

Operation Click’s members love being apart of this club. They especially enjoy how they can be leaders. Members decide how the club goes rather than someone just giving them directions. Many committees are set up with head chairs and members in each team.

Hafsa Amir, co-chair of the Simulator Committee, comments, “It is an awesome club which provides opportunities to learn about the safety while driving.”

Operation Click plans on having more events like this to promote safe driving. As the weather gets warmer, they intend to have a big event, the Golf Cart Simulator. Similar to the one described above, students will get to drive while wearing these drunk goggles. This time, it will be an actual golf cart.

Get involved with Operation Click and sign those contracts. It’s important to understand to drive safely. As the club’s slogan goes, “One text or call could wreck it all.”