Winning is sweet when a team is built on respect


Shyne Alvaro, Staff Writer

While winning is the main goal of competitive sports, it’s not always the most rewarding. Instead, the memories that come from playing on a team that respects each other become more valuable.

The respect not only shows in a person’s character, but also in how he plays. “I really appreciate our overall respect for each other, the appreciation our team has for each other and how diverse a team we have,” said Luke Yanule, head coach of the varsity boys’ basketball team. “This makes it even more fun to coach this group.”

Despite some initial struggles, the team has proved themselves through sturdy defense and grit. Along with the sturdy defense, the  team has also grown as a family.

“This is the most close knit team I have ever been a part of,” said Senior Arman Sandhu.

The strong bonds the team have fostered these past couple of months have helped them understand cooperation and what it means to be a team player. As the winter sports season begins to wind down, the team looks forward to all the hours spent on the court paying off in not just baskets and three pointers, but also in improving their consistency.