Skyhawks secure third place in Midwest region competition


Graciela Ruiz, Staff Writer

The Hoffman Skyhawks deserve praise for many things, and of all those qualities what stands out the most is the commitment and hard work the team displays. Spending day after day in grueling practices, memorizing counts and perfecting tosses, the Skyhawks created a fantastic routine that dazzled both the school and their judges at competitions, as they ended the season coming in 3rd in the Midwest Color Guard Circuit Championship.

The Skyhawks and their success this season will be recognized at the next school board meeting on Thursday, April 25.

All of the successes this year have been great, but the team also is thankful for all of the improvement that was made as a team. “Through flags, I learned about dedication, friendship and commitment,” said Nishita Patel, senior. “This program helped me grow as a person and has given me so many things that I will continue to utilize in the future such as social and performance skills.”

Angela Ramirez, a junior, agrees. “What made winter guard special to me was the fact that we never hesitated to help each other out, with whatever it may be. My teammates worked extremely hard, and made every practice fun. I couldn’t be more grateful for them, and their dedication to each other and to improve themselves as well.”

This season was especially important to the seniors on the team, being the culmination of their time in high school and in flags. “What made it the most memorable was because it was my senior season,” said Katie Perez, senior. “All of the events were my last; therefore leaving a lasting memory on me.”

Senior year wasn’t only about making memories, but many members of the team saw it as their final chance to give their all. “Flags has been especially memorable this year because with five of us seniors as captains, we were able to grow ourselves and [help] our team members to the best of our abilities,” said Faith Philip, senior.

With a supportive team and great captains, flags had an excellent season. Starting with fall guard, flags awed crowds at football games with their routines set to some of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits. “What probably made my last fall season memorable is probably when we performed “Smooth Criminal” at the assembly, only because we were into it and the crowd was too!” said Taizha Williams, senior.

This energy lead into a great year for winter guard, with another great routine,  inspired by a 50’s-60’s aesthetic of the Broadway musical Bandstand. It excited the crowd at the spring sports assembly, and the team was excited too. That excitement “…truly connects us to one another and with the audience as well,” said Philip.