Juniors win Powder Puff

Kyung-Ae Prevost, Nayelli Toro, and Jailine Toro

Despite many hardships, the Powder Puff junior girls swept the crowd off their feet with a remarkable win. The odds were against them due to the difference in the amount of players on each team and the bias of the crowd leaning towards the senior team. However, they prevailed and ended up taking the win with a final touchdown. 

“Unlike other activities or other sports, it was only two weeks of preparation [also] it was a completely new sport for most of the girls on the team, not only did we have to learn all the positions, we had to learn how to work together with everybody, which can be difficult,” said Adele Shirkey, junior.

Shirkey explains the amount of effort and determination put into the game prior to Wednesday. This was because of all the new skills that had to be learned in a short amount of time. 

Teamwork was the most important skill used throughout the game. The players displayed great sportsmanship by wholeheartedly supporting each other. Whether it was the hugs shared during the game or the team chants, this is what led them to their victory. 

“It’s so special because other schools don’t have this opportunity and I love how it’s a Hoffman tradition,” said John Ulrich, junior coach. 

The Powder Puff culture is greatly embraced in the Hoffman community. Hoffman is lucky to have a way to connect different grades together through a friendly game of flag football.

“So many high energy plays and there were a lot of big plays and more passes and receptions,” says Ulrich. 

Ulrich continues to explain how impressed he was with how athletic and experienced the girls were. Through grit and hard work all the girls who participated dazzled not only the coaches but the people watching as well. They put on a great show.