Music classes allow students to express themselves

Jailine Toro, Staff Writer

Music classes at HEHS can be a way for students to improve as musicians and have a place where they can express themselves emotionally.

“It affects me in a positive way because it gives me [an opportunity] to express myself,” said Takuto Kato, sophomore. “Music helps me create a world of my own where I can communicate freely in a way without real words.”

Music has opened doors for students all over HEHS to be themselves. Our generation has created a world with deteriorating communication. By having music in their lives, it has brought students together. 

“By being in the same program with other people for so many years, you end up connecting with each other and becoming friends,” said Rylee Johnson, freshman. 

Sophomore Alyna Gonzalez agrees that music can bring people together.

“When the band takes a lap around the school to play music for us, all the students come together to listen to them and celebrate their talent,” she said.

Besides improving communication or meeting friends, involvement in either band or orchestra can be a way for students to continue becoming well-rounded individuals.

“The confidence in band helped me to [have] confidence in other activities,” said Adele Shirkey, a junior, who is a member of the band. 

Shirkey explained that being in the band and being confident in her music skills has helped her become confident academically.