TikTok battle becomes way to pass time, make memories

Kyung-Ae Prevost, Staff Writer

In the midst of quarantine and this global pandemic, people have found it increasingly challenging to stay occupied yet safe. However, some HEHS students have taken advantage of their newfound free time and challenged each other to a “TikTok battle”.

“It really just started off as a [response to] Blue Crew Spirit Week, and I really wanted a lot of people to join in, so I challenged the rest of the classes to make a better video,” said Danny Vasquez, junior.

Vasquez had an idea to bring together the upperclassmen by encouraging a friendly competition. TikTok has become a viral platform where people of all ages can upload 15-60 second videos of their liking to entertain the masses. Seeing that many teenagers are familiar with this app, it was the perfect way to bring attention to these videos.

“The first video was a full house video,” said Vasquez. “… the second video was a WWE video to show we were ready to fight.”

The students based their battle off of videos already trending on the app, which were inspired by famous TV shows that this generation has grown up with. The juniors began this bloodshed by challenging the seniors to make their own version.

“Obviously being the most competitive class, we responded and made the better video,” said Will Lawson, senior.

The senior’s response to the junior’s video turned up the heat. Each class brought its own secret weapon to the battle.

“We came back with something both more sophisticated and creative and decided to put our lyrics in a text/group chat version with associated pictures,” Lawson said.

In a Thanksgiving dinner scenario, the juniors would be considered the little kids with their childish humor, whereas the seniors would be considered the mature adults, explained Lawson.

Overall, this battle was meant to be a friendly way to send off the seniors, and end this year on a good note. The video became really popular in the Hoffman community due to the variety of students that contributed by taking part or sharing the video.

“I think the juniors had the best video,” said Will Wojtasiak, junior. The winner of this battle might be debatable, but in the end everyone won a little fun and lot of laughter.