Girls swim team keeps sights set on a successful season

Paige Schneider, Staff Writer

The seniors on this year’s swim team are looking forward to a great season filled with success and good memories. In their fourth year on the team, seniors Stephanie Baranov and Frannie Davis are excited to get back to work and make a positive impact on their younger teammates who haven’t experienced a normal season yet. 

“After Covid changed the course of last year’s season, the seniors were ready to go at the beginning of this year,” said Davis. “I was looking forward to relays the most because last year we didn’t have them due to COVID restrictions.”

The team has become incredibly close in such a short period of time, and the seniors who are looking ahead and figuring out their future plans are grateful for the opportunities they’ve had with the HEHS swim team. 

“The girls swim team is a group of hard working, determined girls that have already formed a close bond. I’m so thankful for this team because they’re some of the most welcoming and kind people I know,” said Baranov. 

Although this year’s seniors are sad to be leaving their teammates, they’re appreciative of the season they have this fall and are taking nothing for granted. 

 “My favorite part of the day is going to practice, and I’m really going to miss this team next year after I graduate,” said Baranov.

It is not surprising that senior athletes like Baranov and Davis are reflective this year seeing as it is their last year of high school.

“After I graduate, I’m going to miss the people and the atmosphere the most,” said Davis.