AP Seminar students visit Angelic Organics farm
October 14, 2022
“I wanted to be a cow at that moment,” said Marien Sharba, freshman.
This was a common saying amongst AP Seminar students, who recently visited Angelic Organics, an organic Community Supported Agriculture farm (CSA).
In an effort to learn about sustainable farming, students visited Angelic Organics and were able to learn about how the farm operates. Students were able to learn about how goats and cows are cared for as well as how vegetables and herbs are grown. Most students liked having the opportunity to get an educational experience that’s not in a classroom environment.
“It was a nice quiet break from school,” said Daniell Sy, freshman. “I felt that it was nice that I got to basically have an extra day off from school, but I still got to learn.”
Students agreed that they were able to gain a new perspective on farming. “I learned the process of getting organic produce, and the cycle of life for plants and animals, and how the infrastructure of farms play a critical role in agriculture,” said Izzy Syed, freshman.
This field trip made AP Seminar students fond of their class. For example, “this field trip made me enjoy the class even more,” said Nikki Genosa, freshman.
“I would recommend the AP Seminar class to new freshmen,” added Syed.