Variety Show brings brave performers to the stage

Abby Mohann, Tayyibah Ahmed, and Julia Cheng, Staff Writers

While Hoffman’s Variety Show may have lost some of its variety, this year included a slew of talented singers and dancers. Although those performances are still attention grabbing, variety shows in the future could increase variety with a little fearlessness.

“It’s not that I think that there is a lack of talent, I just don’t know if people know that their talents can be showcased,” said Ryan Brown, English Teacher.

People are afraid of embarrasment and rejection because they feel doing anything different from the norm will be unacceptable and looked down upon. Some of the performers from the show discussed how they overcame this fear.

“Pretend you are in your room instead of onstage,” said Trina Españo (’14).

“I used to get stage fright a lot; but now act like it’s not a big deal because if it’s not a big deal to me, it’s not a big deal to anyone else,” said Nathan Pitchan (’14).

Other performers have reached a point of total confidence and just get on stage with ease.

Suck it up and get out there! said Nancy Camacho and Nuha Siddiqui (’14). Using this advice from these performers, shy and self conscious students should step out of the comfort zone and show the world their talents. Not only can these acts fill the variety show with more variety, but they also appeal to the audience, since there are more talents shown by the school.

Taylor Bradford did a Flag dance to Poker Face by Lady Gaga. He said, “It’s variety, it’s a dance, with a a flag, it’s different.” Taylor pulled off his act marvelously. He was confident and he was not afraid to show his unique talents. Every student has talent, but they need to have the determination and confidence to believe in themselves to bring back Hoffman’s Vareity.